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Trees, Trees, and More Trees

 Willow Trees + More I don't think I know anyone else who has a favorite kind of tree. Some people have favorite trees because it has some kind of deeper importance to them. Some may even carve their initials into it. The kind of "favorite" I'm talking about is different.  I grew up in a neighborhood that was tucked away behind other neighborhoods. On the drive home we would always pass by this massive willow tree . I love how they look. The leaves flow so beautifully in the wind. I feel as though I pay more attention to trees than the average person. Cherry blossom trees, apple trees, willow trees. They are all so very different from each other, yet they are all categorized the same, as a tree. Different sizes, shapes, colors, fruits, blossoms, etc. It is very peculiar, but special at the same time.  I've mentioned other kids of trees in previous posts that provide more information, or nostalgia in my case, that I think pair well with this theme of trees.  Cherry
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What if They Were Everywhere

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Butterfly Bushes, why do we need them?

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How to Get Rid Of Weeds

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