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Is It Time for A New Pot?

 Potting Plants

I feel as though most people underestimate the importance of updating planting pots. It seems to be such an overlooked aspect when it comes to house plants. Changing the pot your plant lives in can actually make a big difference for the plant's well-being. 



A few benefits that could enhance the quality of your plants include:

- More nutrients

 As your plant grows, it feeds off of the nutrients from the soil. Over time the nutrients available to your plant will wear out and it will be time to add some new soil to re-up your plant's nutrients.

- More water for the roots

Plant roots tend to wrap around the edges of the pot once they become too big for their current environment. This can be harder for the roots to get the water they need for the plant to continue growing. Changing the pot allows you to break up the roots and give the plant a new home that will accommodate its new size. 

- More growth

Giving your plant more root room will let your plant grow even more. Upgrading the size of the pot will give your plant the perfect bounce back that it needs. 

- More plants

Once plants become large enough, they can separate from the little new growths they have and can be planted in their own pot to create an entirely new plant!


Repotting your plants will give them an opportunity to revive and revert to their healthiest form once again. This is the perfect fix if your houseplants are looking a little sad or under the weather. It can be tricky to tell what it is that your plant needs but repotting a plant can surely resolve the problem. 

More information about repotting plants is listed in the link below:
