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How To Get Rid Of Weeds

 How To Get Rid of Weeds

What is the number 1 enemy of gardening? Weeds. They seem to always be around. There’s a number of reasons as to why they come around and a number of ways to get rid of them. So, lets get into it.

If you see weeds, this isn’t necessarily a bad sign. It means that your soil is healthy. You could rip the weed out of the soil and think problem solved. Although, that’s not entirely how it works. Weeds are only really gone if you pull them out from the roots. Otherwise, they’ll make a reappearance before you know it. You can buy weed killer from the store, which works well. But there’s a diy you may not know about: vinegar. It’s inexpensive and chances are you may already have it in the kitchen.

If you’re going to get rid of weeds, it would probably do you some good to figure out why they show up in the first place. Usually, this is because:

  • the roots still remain in the soil

as I stated earlier, if the roots are not pulled up with the weeds, then they will most definitely come back

  • you live by the woods

often times, birds will drop seeds as they travel, and chances are they’ll drop them where you don’t want them to. Another possibility is the wind.

  • a lawn that is not dense

in this case, there is room for the weeds to sprout up through empty spots

weeding your plants is a tedious job, but if left unchecked, they can steal the nutrients from your plants which would only cause more work for you. A solution to this problem is fairly simple. You can invest in weedkiller from your local garden center. The issue with these is that it could be harmful and irritating to your family and pets.

If you would prefer to avoid using chemicals, there are other alternatives. One trick to try is newspaper. If you mulch it in with your plants, you give the weeds no opportunity to grow. As mentioned earlier, you can also try a mixture of vinegar, salt, and water. It would be cheaper, less harmful, and just as effective as weed killer from the store. The thing about this trick, vinegar works best when it has a higher percentage of acetic acid concentration. This kind of vinegar is considered to be more dangerous that your regular household vinegar. This method is considered best for those weeds that you can’t seem to get the roots for. It helps by drying them out.

To make this mixture, you will need two cups of vinegar and one-half teaspoon of dish soap. Mix in a spray bottle and apply to the weeds. A thing to be noted: do not choose anti-bacterial dish soap. The bottled labeled with “detergent” will work best. It is most efficient to apply this mixture while it’s hot outside. Be careful not to spray on the plants you intend to keep, this mixture will kill those along with the weeds if you are not careful. You may not permanently stop the weeds from coming back with just one spray so if this occurs, just spray the weeds again until they stay away for good.
