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About Me


About me:

Welcome! My name is Corryn, I'm a 21 year old business student. I've lived in Illinois my entire life but shortly after graduation I'll be uprooting to Tennessee. 

Some random facts about myself: 

  • I enjoy watching documentaries. 
  • My favorite food is chicken.
  • I'm a plant enthusiast.

I found my admiration for plants during the lockdown in 2020. I needed something to fill my time, a hobby if you will, to keep me entertained. I first began with little ceramic pots and a variety of flower seeds, no clue what I was doing. Shortly after discovering that I was able to grow these flowers rather than kill them, I dived a little deeper into the subject of plants. 

About My Blog:

This blog will range from many different topics, all related to plants of course, some of which will include:

  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Gardens
  • Maintenance of house plants
  • The importance of repotting plants
  • Benefits of being a plant parent
  • Fake Plants (if all else fails)
I'll admit, I don't know everything there is to know regarding plants but I am still learning as I go, through articles, news, personal experience, advice from my mom (who has a very impressive garden). As someone who gets bored and stressed easily, I find that caring for a living thing that requires little effort is rather soothing. I hope you find some value within my blog and maybe even find some joy in taking up the hobby of planting!

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