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Reusable Mug


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Reuse your cups

More than 16 billion paper cups are used in America every year

Reusable cups have become the hallmark of my personality. I never go anywhere without my reusable water bottle. On the slight chance that I do forget to bring my water bottle with me, my friends look at me in a confused or shocked way. 

For those of you who do not know, I care quite a bit about helping our environment. We only have one planet, and it is our responsibility to look after it so that we can continue to have a clean, healthy place to live and grow. 

I became invested in the health of our ecosystem about 4 years ago. I watched a powerful documentary that changed my perspective on things. Since then, I have taken steps to change my habits and urge the people around me to do the same. I think we have a better shot at helping our planet if we all do what we can. 

The smaller changes do matter, despite popular belief. Switching out that plastic straw for a reusable one, bringing your own Starbucks cup to get a drink in the morning before work. Small changes to your daily routine will help ensure that our planet will thrive. 

Research findings claim that using one reusable cup for a year can help save 126 trees from being chopped down. Along with the saved trees, you would be saving 76 gallons of water that it takes to manufacture disposable cups. Additionally, 12 pounds of solid waste can also be saved from being used for disposable cups. In short, many valuable resources will be spared. 

A simple solution to our environment problem: reusable cups. Buying one mug to use rather than spending money on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis is more productive to the planet as well as yourself. You could be saving thousands of dollars if you make a switch from disposable to reusable. That money could be put towards things you actually care about. 

Some additional perks to making the switch:

- Save money at coffee shops
            Some coffee shops offer discounts for brining your 
            own cup instead of using a disposable one.

- Keeps your drinks hot (or cold) for several hours
            Disposable cups can only keep your drink at the desired 
            temperature for so long, but reusable cups can last much longer.

- Prevent spills
            Disposable cups have those flimsy plastic lids that never stay 
            on or your drink spills through the mouthpiece. Reusable cups have 
            secure lids as well as covers that protect any liquids from spilling from 
            the mouthpiece.

- It pays for itself
            Just after a month of using a reusable cup, you'll pay off what 
            you spent. As for disposable cups, you will always be spending money. 

Below I've attached other useful resources for more information:
Checkout the following link if you're interested in more fun facts about reusable cups.

Check out this link if you would like to know more about the resources used for disposable cups and how it hurts our planet.

If you care about your own health and your home (the planet) then I strongly urge you to change your habits. This may not be an issue that can be resolved by one person overnight, but this is something that can be done with many people through generations. 

Below is a link to the mug pictured above:

A link to other Plant-astic products:
