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Butterfly Bushes, why do we need them?

 Butterfly Bushes

Butterfly bushes are one of the best ways to add more than beautiful flowers to your landscape. These plants attract butterflies which will help your bushes as well as the other plants surrounding it. 

You may not realize it, but butterflies are pretty important to the environment. Along with bees, they help aid with plant pollination. They are drawn to yellow and red flowers the most, due to their higher nectar count. The way this is done is by nectar sticking to the bodies of butterflies while they feed on the nectar, and it is transferred to other flowers they land on. 

Another benefit is that butterflies will keep your other plants in control. As caterpillars, they feed on leaves and seeds in the area. This allows for your current plants to be trimmed and maintained so they do not grow out of control. 

Although having butterflies nearby may seem pesky to some, scientists say that having butterflies in the area determines a healthy ecosystem. If butterflies are spotted, then it is known that other invertebrates are in the area as well. 

Along with helping the environment, you'll also be helping yourself. Including butterfly bushes will allow you the opportunity to get outside and take a look at the beauty of the flowers as well as the butterflies it attracts. Get some fresh air and more steps in your day. 

Yes, it is true that caterpillars will eat your leaves while they transform, but it's worth the sacrifice. Adding butterfly bushes can help not only you and your garden but the ecosystem as well. 

More information can be found in this link below:,before%20planting%20one%20in%20your%20garden.%20More%20items
