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What if They Were Everywhere

 Apple Trees

Could you imagine a world where apple trees were on every street? Everywhere you go, everywhere you look, there's an apple tree. 

Apples just so happen to be my favorite fruit so no doubt I would be living a dream. For those of you that don't particularly like apples, that would be tough luck. I know it is completely unrealistic to imagine that this would ever be a reality, but how cool would it be if it were real? I wouldn't ever have to worry about forgetting to bring a snack to work or when I go to the library to study. I would just pick a few apples and be on my merry way.

In the world we live in I can assume that there would be someone somewhere who would use this as a way to make a profit because that's all people care about anymore: money. In this imaginary apple-filled world, no one would be allowed to make a profit off of these apple trees. No one would be able to hoard all of the apples either. Take one when you need one and carry on with your day. 

Now if this was banana trees everywhere, I don't think I would have the same enthusiasm. I mean bananas are okay, but they don't come close to apple trees. I think a world full of apple trees would also add some beauty to the planet. A nice pop of red. They wouldn't have to be just one kind of apple though; it could be any kind of apple. Just imagine.

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