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Flower Seeds or Pre-grown Flowers

 This or That?

Come Springtime, you decide it is time to go to your local garden center and restock on your outdoor flowers for your home. Do you reach for the flower seeds or the pre-grown flowers

Growing up, my mom would take me to the garden center at our local Home Depot to help her pick out this year's selection of flowers. Not once did we ever buy the flower seeds. Always the pre-grown flowers. I can understand why majority of people would buy the pre-grown flowers. It's easier, faster, less time consuming, and overall, just more convenient. I have a hunch that when I become a homeowner the chances are high that I will buy the pre-grown flowers instead of the seeds. 

On the other hand, buying flower seeds would make me feel more accomplished. Sure, it takes longer to see the results and it requires more work, but I would look at those flowers and know that I did that all on my own. It is definitely harder to grow flowers from the seeds and there is a chance they may not survive to reach their full potential but it's still worth a shot in my eyes. 

Whichever route you choose to go, you can't go wrong. Both methods end with the same result: flowers in your yard. One way or another, they will be there. The way you choose to do it is up to you. Truth be told, as much as I would like to be the person who grows their own flowers, I really don't think I'll have the time. Maybe one year I'll give it a go and see if I can do it. Who knows. 

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