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Showing posts from September, 2022

Gardening Through Trial and Error

First Time Gardening, How Did It Go? Of course, I’ve never started my own garden, but I know many others who have. My mom has taken up this hobby and has surprised me with her dedication to it. I know she’s a busy woman but yet she makes the time to keep her veggies alive and thriving. If her garden doesn’t show for it, then her excitement certainly does. I receive pictures of her progress and harvests weekly. Impressed is an understatement. I asked her a few questions about her journey finding her green thumb in hopes to shed some light on the pros and cons of beginning your own garden at home. She’s started her garden in May, so it’s fair to say she’s still a beginner. Although, she has come across plenty of defeats and victories to share her tips and tricks. What does she grow? In the time that she has taken this hobby, she’s grown a number of herbs and vegetables. Such as: cherry tomatoes, carrots, basil, cilantro, banana peppers, shishito peppers, purple potatoes, yellow

Plant Parenthood

  Have you ever been to a store with a plant nursey? If you didn’t know, it’s a little hut resembling a green house. They’re used to grow plants in a specific condition until they’re big and healthy enough to be out in the open. What is it? Back in my hometown mall, there’s a place like this called Plant Parenthood. Along with their creative name, they also created an environment for people like me who love plants. Inside, they offer a wide variety of plants. Each one different from the other. What do they do? I was impressed to learn that they even offer potting services. When you purchase your plant at the checkout, they give you all the information you need to care for your new friend when you get home. Plant Parenthood will discuss what kind of sun exposure your plant will need, when to water it, and when to re-pot your plant. They do it free of charge too! You can either bring in a pot of your choosing or pick one off of the shelf. Along with those services, they offer d

Tomato Cages

 Garden Rants about Tomato Plants I don’t know about you, but I feel like tomato plants are one of the most common foods to find in gardens. Every green thumb I know has given it a try at some point, whether it was buying the seeds and tossing them in the garden bed or buying a pre-grown pot from the store. My mom, my aunt, my stepmom for example. Some were successful, others not so much. I came across a blog that has some really interesting insight about the growth of tomatoes. It discusses something I never really knew existed. But after reading through, I realized that this is probably something worth looking into if you’re looking to reach that end goal of harvesting your tomatoes. The author’s name is Susan Harris and in this post, she talks about her visit to the garden of Baltimore City Master Gardener Robert Cook. She went once and was so intrigued by the sights that she decided to go back and write about the gardener. Some background Robert Cook is retired from his law

9 Reasons Why Succulents Are Easier Plants Than Others

 Succulents If you’re anything like me, you sometimes find that you lack the time or skill to care properly for regular houseplants. Between work, being a full-time student, and poor memory, I struggle to keep my plants in tip-top shape. Not ready to throw in the towel and try fake plants? Good news, there is in fact a solution for you: succulents . Here’s a list of 9 fun facts about succulents that make these plants an easy challenge for beginner plant parents: 1.      Succulents are drought-resistant plants    Their leaves can store water for longer periods of time mainly due to them being thicker than other plants. 2.      The size of the leaf matters   Succulents that have smaller leaves do better in places of high elevation. Often times, these plants can be confused for cacti, but they are quite different. 3.      There are 10,000 kinds to choose from These 10,000 categorize into 60 different families. The most common kind are cacti or aloe. 4.      Succulents

Clover Lawns. Will They Fail or Prevail?

 Clover Lawn                                                                       I have never heard of or even thought that clover lawns existed until a few months ago. When I first discovered them, I thought it was a little unconventional. As it turns out, clover lawns are actually the up-and-coming thing for homeowners.   I’m sure you remember seeing a few clovers mixed in with grass. I recall a never-ending search for that oh so special four-leaf clover when I was a kid. Of course, I never found it but perhaps with this new trend, you just might.  Why should I? This kind of lawn has really taken shape in the areas experiencing drought. Mainly because these clovers don’t need as much watering as a traditional grass lawn does. People are really drawn to making this switch for a number of reasons, some beneficial for the environment and other reasons beneficial to yourself: Attracts bees for pollination Fertilizes itself Doesn’t discolor because of dog urine Inexpensi

Cherry Blossom Trees: Are they worth it?

Cherry Blossom Tree Growing up in my childhood home, we had a beautiful cherry blossom tree in the front yard. I’ll never forget what it looked like. No taller than 6 feet, light pink flowers, a hint of yellow in the center. They're an interesting plant to add to your collection. Few fun facts to shed a little light on the tree:         They’re a member of the rose family         They need full light and good drainage to prosper          It’s the national flower of Japan         “Sakura” is the Japanese name for cherry blossom trees         In China, these trees are symbolic for female love, passion, strength, and dominance Where did they come from? The history of this tree is an interesting one. In 1912, Japan gifted 3,000 cherry blossom trees to the U.S. as a gift of friendship. They were first planted in Washington.  Pros and Cons If you have never been near a  cherry blossom tree , they have quite the aroma. These plants have a very distinctive smell, and not only that,

House Plant Journal

 House Plant Journal Starting the journey of caring for house plants can be a tricky business. You could find yourself asking a million questions about it. A few of them probably sound something like “Where do I start?” “How can I keep my plant healthy?” “What kind of plants are right for me?” Where do I get help? The good news is, there’s people like Darryl, the creator of House Plant Journa l , to help guide you. For a little background, Darryl started his sharing his advice, plant knowledge, and tricks on Tumblr, YouTube, and Instagram. He receives many questions from people who are looking for help to take a step in the right direction regarding the care of their house plants. The House Plant Journal is the perfect place to go if you’re stuck. Darryl offers consultations for plant help virtually, through email, and even through in-home consultations. Through these consultations, he can help assess the damages to your house plants and come to a conclusion whether there

How to Care for a String of Pearls Plant

 String of Pearls Plant If you're anything like me and have a difficult time caring for most plants, or don't have the time and/or resources, I would recommend taking on the String of Pearls plant. This one is not very hard to take care of and can grow quite a bit in a short period of time. Lets get into some of the tips for having your very own! Plant Description Plant type: succulent Size: 1-2 feet tall, 1-2 feet long Sun exposure: full, partial Origin: Africa Bloom season: Summer Soil: sandy, well-drained Plant Care One of the best ways to help this plant grow is by starting off with a few strands in a hanging basket . I love the way this one looks, it drapes down beautifully in different lengths all around the pot of your choosing, or you can redirect the strands to one side of the pot to hang from a shelf or a ledge.  Another important thing to know is that this particular plant needs constant light all year round . String of pearl plants need to be switched off between di

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, what is it good for? Aloe Vera is one of the more commonly known house plants. If you're unsure what it is then let me provide you with a crash course!  What's in it? Aloe has been used for thousands of years due to its medicinal properties including: Polysaccharides Vitamins (A, C, E, B12, Folic Acid) Enzymes Minerals What does it do? Although Aloe Vera makes for a beautiful house plant, there are multiple benefits that comes with it other than it's eye catching appearance. Some of these benefits could be helpful for your internal health along with external health.   A few advantages of using Aloe are as listed below: Relief for irritated skin Balancing stomach pH levels Promotes healthy bacteria growth Accelerates wound healing Reduces dental plaque Helps relieve sunburn Where does it come from? Aloe Vera estimated to have been around for roughly 6,000 years; It is known to originate from the Arabian Peninsula. Although, it can grow wildly in tropical, semi-tro