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Tomato Cages

 Garden Rants about Tomato Plants

I don’t know about you, but I feel like tomato plants are one of the most common foods to find in gardens. Every green thumb I know has given it a try at some point, whether it was buying the seeds and tossing them in the garden bed or buying a pre-grown pot from the store. My mom, my aunt, my stepmom for example. Some were successful, others not so much.

I came across a blog that has some really interesting insight about the growth of tomatoes. It discusses something I never really knew existed. But after reading through, I realized that this is probably something worth looking into if you’re looking to reach that end goal of harvesting your tomatoes.

The author’s name is Susan Harris and in this post, she talks about her visit to the garden of Baltimore City Master Gardener Robert Cook. She went once and was so intrigued by the sights that she decided to go back and write about the gardener.

Some background

Robert Cook is retired from his law firm and now, he spends his time sharing his passion by teaching others how to garden.

About the tomatoes

Susan Harris made a comment about the eye-catching tomato cage built by Robert. They are walk in cages built from 2x2s. these cages are very effective keeping the squirrels and other critters out while also providing a drip irrigation system.

Susan goes on to discuss other aspects Robert’s garden but she shares her enthusiasm well in this piece about the importance of tomato cages. From reading online as well as discussing with other gardeners, I notice that one of the hardest aspects of keeping a garden is keeping the animals away, otherwise they’ll beat you to your harvest before you get the chance to collect it for yourself.


If you’re interested in garden success stories, I would recommend taking a look at her post.

here's the link:
