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9 Reasons Why Succulents Are Easier Plants Than Others


If you’re anything like me, you sometimes find that you lack the time or skill to care properly for regular houseplants. Between work, being a full-time student, and poor memory, I struggle to keep my plants in tip-top shape.

Not ready to throw in the towel and try fake plants? Good news, there is in fact a solution for you: succulents.

Here’s a list of 9 fun facts about succulents that make these plants an easy challenge for beginner plant parents:

1.     Succulents are drought-resistant plants

  Their leaves can store water for longer periods of time mainly due to them being thicker than other plants.

2.     The size of the leaf matters

 Succulents that have smaller leaves do better in places of high elevation. Often times, these plants can be confused for cacti, but they are quite different.

3.     There are 10,000 kinds to choose from

These 10,000 categorize into 60 different families. The most common kind are cacti or aloe.

4.     Succulents come in many different colors

Typically, when we think of plants, we see green. But in fact, these plants have a lot of variety to them. It is possible for these to have hints of pink, blue, yellow, orange, red, or even purple.

5.     They are very easy to grow

 Good news if you’re a beginner! You can take a leaf from a grown succulent and use that to make an entirely new plant.

6.     Bug-free

Not a fan of pests? It’s uncommon for plants like these to attract bugs, unlike others.

7.     Low maintenance

Succulents don’t require much water to thrive. The leaves hold on to the nutrients and release them into the rest of the plant when it’s without as much water.

8.     Can grow in different climates

It is true they prosper better in hot, dry weather. Although, they can also stand sturdy in cold weather too. This is what allows succulents to grow in any part of the country.

9.     Protection from the sun

Ever felt a succulent and realized it has a chalk-like feeling on the leaves? This characteristic is used to save them from the sun. this substance is also what helps protect succulents from disease as well as bugs.

More information about succulents can be found here;
