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Plant Parenthood


Have you ever been to a store with a plant nursey? If you didn’t know, it’s a little hut resembling a green house. They’re used to grow plants in a specific condition until they’re big and healthy enough to be out in the open.

What is it?

Back in my hometown mall, there’s a place like this called Plant Parenthood. Along with their creative name, they also created an environment for people like me who love plants. Inside, they offer a wide variety of plants. Each one different from the other.

What do they do?

I was impressed to learn that they even offer potting services. When you purchase your plant at the checkout, they give you all the information you need to care for your new friend when you get home. Plant Parenthood will discuss what kind of sun exposure your plant will need, when to water it, and when to re-pot your plant. They do it free of charge too! You can either bring in a pot of your choosing or pick one off of the shelf.

Along with those services, they offer deliveries, consultations, second chance plants where they help revive your plant if it’s not looking so good, potting stations where you can create a new mix of soil for your plant, they offer little statues to accompany your plant in the soil, and they have stands at farmers markets. They even have a wish list where you can name the plant you’re looking for and they’ll network to help you find it.

I really enjoy my experience every time I come in. the people are very helpful and make sure you find the plant that’s right for you. Of course, it would be easier to go to the garden section of your local Walmart or Home depots, but they won't provide you services like this one. Plant Parenthood has managed to invent such a unique brand and the offers they have will match no other. Along with the services, your common garden center doesn't grow their own plants in-store, unlike this company. I think the plant nursery is a nice touch, it really shows that this place of business knows what they're doing and are qualified to help with all of your plant needs. 

They’re located in Joliet, IL but you can find the link to their store here if you want to check them out:
