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Clover Lawns. Will They Fail or Prevail?

 Clover Lawn                                                        

I have never heard of or even thought that clover lawns existed until a few months ago. When I first discovered them, I thought it was a little unconventional. As it turns out, clover lawns are actually the up-and-coming thing for homeowners.


I’m sure you remember seeing a few clovers mixed in with grass. I recall a never-ending search for that oh so special four-leaf clover when I was a kid. Of course, I never found it but perhaps with this new trend, you just might.

 Why should I?

This kind of lawn has really taken shape in the areas experiencing drought. Mainly because these clovers don’t need as much watering as a traditional grass lawn does. People are really drawn to making this switch for a number of reasons, some beneficial for the environment and other reasons beneficial to yourself:

  • Attracts bees for pollination
  • Fertilizes itself
  • Doesn’t discolor because of dog urine
  • Inexpensive
    • fun fact: can cover 4,000 yards for $4 
    • alternative: let the clovers you already have take over the rest of your yard
  • Can thrive in poor soil 
    • props to nitrogen
  • Stops weeds from growing 
  • Doesn’t grow as fast as grass 
    • less yard work (yay)


Clover lawns have many pros to them that could be enough to convince many others to make the switch who have not done so already. There are a number of influencers on different social platforms who have shared their experiences with switching to clover instead of grass and they express the amount of time, energy, and money they have saved from taking on this project.

 Fail or prevail?

I can only assume that once the facts and awareness spread, more and more people will be looking into adopting a clover lawn as well. It has many more upsides than downsides; at the end of the day, you save money and quite a bit of effort. Isn’t that everyone’s goal when it comes to yard work?

More information can be found in the link below:

